I had a long conversation with a client a few weeks ago. The man had been out of the work force, by choice, for several months and was ready to enter the work-a-day world once again. So far his job search strategy consisted of putting together his own resume, having a few friends tell […]
Note to self …
No really, this is a note to myself. Jason Alba posted a list of job search resources today on his JibberJobber Blog. He sprinkled the list with lots of great advice about how and why to use each site. I wanted to be sure to save it. You should too. Soooooooo … today I’m doing a lazy-blogger thing and telling you go […]
It’s not all about you …
How often have you heard me say the job search process is “all about them”? Or the flip side of that, “it’s not all about you”? For the sake of argument, trust me, it’s been a lot. Remember that as I share this story … My husband was asked to take over as head custodian, […]
Mary Poppins celebrates 45 years
Earlier today I heard a commercial advertising this year as the 45th anniversary of the release of Mary Poppins. Wow. 45 years. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the original audience still enjoy a movie first released in 1964. Young Julie Andrews, handsome Dick Van Dyke – nostalgia … makes you feel all warm and fuzzy doesn’t […]
Target? Focus?? Audience??? I don’t even know what I want to do yet!
After reading my colleague’s, Jennifer Anthony, recent blog post, Targeted Resumes: How to Target Your Resume to the Job You Want, it got me thinking. As resume writers, we tell our clients, you’ve got to focus your job search. You’ve got to have a target. You’ve got to know your audience. However, with all this […]
Do I really need professional help?
Some would say yes … but then I’m not talking about me. <smile> I’m talking getting professional help as you contemplate or begin a job search. When it comes to creating a compelling sales and market document, targeted toward landing interviews in a competitive job market, are you up to the task? If some […]
A smile — Your best job search accessory for 2009
My goodness. Where did the day go? My intent this morning was to get one more blog post up before the end of this year – posterity thing, I suppose. I had all ideas I would tie a job search topic into something having to do with the New Year and new beginnings, etc., etc., […]
Drive your own bus.
“You’re a resume writer? I bet your business is booming.” That’s the reaction I get lately when I tell people what I do for a living. Then it’s almost a wink-wink, nudge-nudge, “You must be lovin’ this economy.” The first time it happened, I politely mumbled something and changed the subject. By the third time […]
Is there ever a right time to start a job search?
A returning client asked recently if she should wait until after the holiday to “even start looking” since everyone is on vacation this time of year.* Combine “holiday slowdown thinking” with a “slow economy mentality” and we’ve got a bunch of talented professional sitting around on their hands waiting for the magical moment when it’s […]
Extra! Extra! Personalized approach nets personalized contact.
My phone rang the other day. It was BB. I did his resume for him in October. We targeted the resume in response to a specific company’s job posting. BB emailed one resume; got one interview; received a job offer. Whoooo-hooooo. Love a success story like that. But that’s not the point of this post. […]