This post finalizes the series of tips for times of transition Bridget Haymond and I put together. Hopefully, you’ve been able to take a nugget or two and apply it your personal search for professional bliss. Understandably, a job search can be extremely stressful. When you get overwhelmed, it’s always a good idea to take […]
Archive of posts filed under the Job Search category.
Tips for times of transition: Part 3 – Practical tips for job seekers
Last week, we looked at career marketing strategies for job seekers. This week, we’ll look practical tips to help sustain focus during the search. Bridget Haymond put together most of the practical tips. I added a few and Voila! You’ve got great ideas to keep things moving forward. This is part 3 of a 4 […]
Focus doesn’t mean you can’t be multifaceted
A resume client recently asked for some guidance in making a decision. He had several career paths he could travel. As with many job seekers I meet, he wanted to carry all his “luggage” down each path; placing equal weight on his entire skills set for each opportunity. I explained how an “I can do […]