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Archive of posts tagged perspective

What’s your excuse? “I can’t afford …”

Granted. There are just some things that fall out of my price range. While I would love to drive a two-seater Mercedes convertible, I don’t have the funds to support that right now. And I do realize there are situations when individuals can barely afford the basic life necessities. Those aren’t the “I can’t affords” […]

It’s your life. It’s your career. Stop apologizing.

Three times this week, (and it’s only Wednesday), I’ve had clients say to me, “If only I’d …”, or “How am I going to explain this gap in employment?”, “What will ‘they’ think, when they see …?” and other, self-deprecating comments about their career and the choices they’ve made in their lives. To which I […]

Chuzzles, locks and roadblocks

Ok. I admit it. I like to play Chuzzle. After a long day of ferreting out client information and formulating presentation strategies, I like mindless, no-thinking-involved entertainment. Chuzzle provides it. Briefly, you match three (or more) of the same color fuzz balls by moving the columns up and down or left and right. They giggle, […]

Tips for times of transition: Part 4 – Practical tips for jobseekers

This post finalizes the series of tips for times of transition Bridget Haymond and I put together. Hopefully, you’ve been able to take a nugget or two and apply it your personal search for professional bliss. Understandably, a job search can be extremely stressful. When you get overwhelmed, it’s always a good idea to take […]

Tips for times of transition: Part 3 – Practical tips for job seekers

Last week, we looked at career marketing strategies for job seekers. This week, we’ll look practical tips to help sustain focus during the search. Bridget Haymond put together most of the practical tips. I added a few and Voila! You’ve got great ideas to keep things moving forward. This is part 3 of a 4 […]

What’s your perspective?

I recently reviewed a resume for a potential client. He had written it himself and hadn’t done too badly. It was well-constructed, contained quantifiable, qualifiable examples of his accomplishments and had a pleasing aesthetic. But something was missing in his presentation. He wrote from the “I know it, so everyone else must know it” perspective. […]

It’s all a matter of perspective

I walk with my neighbor, Brenda, four to six times a week. Last week she was out of town. Unfortunately, my motivation went with her and we both ended up on a brief “no walk” sabbatical. This week, determined to re-launch our partnership, we met at our normal 8:30 a.m. time. Before she left we’d […]