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Archive of posts tagged Job Search Strategy

How current is that job search advice? | Beware the dinosaur.

I recently worked with a soon-to-graduate, elementary school teacher. She came as a referral from a close friend of hers. When working with students, I’m careful to explain my approach to resume creation and the reality of Job Search 2012. I go on to share, frequently, my techniques will not align with what they have […]

Chasing job search butterflies

Every summer in Southeastern North Carolina, we experience a proliferation of yellow butterflies. {My ex (the organic farmer) called them cabbage lopers butterflies. I’m not sure that’s the correct species; for our purposes, yellow butterflies suffices.} They are everywhere. I can look out the window sometimes and count twenty or thirty dancing around the yard […]

Focus doesn’t mean you can’t be multifaceted

A resume client recently asked for some guidance in making a decision. He had several career paths he could travel. As with many job seekers I meet, he wanted to carry all his “luggage” down each path; placing equal weight on his entire skills set for each opportunity. I explained how an “I can do […]