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Job Search Tweets

When Susan Whitcomb, Deb Dib and Chandlee Bryan put out a call for job search tweets for inclusion in their upcoming book, The Twitter Job Search Guide: Find a Job and Advance Twitter Job Search GuideYour Career in Just 15 Minutes a Day, (set for release early March 2010), I gladly dug through my Twitter stream and found 10 to submit. Guess what. Five of the following ten tweets were selected. Not only will this be a great addition to your personal library, it’ll give you the Twitter handles of the top names in the career business so you can keep on getting great information from them thanks to social media. Definitely worth the cover price.

Resume Magic

This is especially thrilling for me. You see, Susan Whitcomb’s book, Resume Magic was the book that launched my resume writing business. To now have my name in one of Susan’s books is quite an honor. And I’ll tell you, Deb and Chandlee are well-respected in the career community. Suffice it to say I’m in good company and I couldn’t be prouder.

In excited anticipation of the book’s release, here are my submissions. Of course I won’t tell you which five will appear in the book. You’ll have to buy it and see. For now, here are a few job search tips in 140-characters or less.

Category: Personal Branding Tip

1. #Jobseekers: Don’t under estimate power of simple thank you when differentiating self from rest of pack.

2. If you use Firefox, download the Search Cloudlet Then Google UR name. R the words displayed the image U want to present?

Category: Job Search Strategy Tip

3. #Jobseekers: You’ve got 2 believe what U bring 2 an employer is special & you’ve got 2 sell it. If not U, who?

4. #Jobseekers: If you share a phone with your spouse, be sure UR voice is the one on the outgoing voice mail message. Avoids confusion.

5. #Jobseekers: Knowing where you want to go is equal to or more important than telling where you’ve been.

6. #Jobseekers: It’s good to have Plan A for re-employment. It’s even better to have Plan B, Plan C … Work ’em all. Don’t limit to one.

7. #Jobseekers: Don’t forget to smile. That comes though on the phone too. Exude positive energy & remember, it’s all about them.

8. #Jobseekers Copy & paste job postings into Word docs & save. No guarantee it’ll still B up when U interview & may contain needed info.

Category: Networking Tip

9. #Jobseekers: Networking doesn’t end when you land a job. Effective network=career-long process, cultivated w/occasional, thoughtful contact.

Category: Resume Tip

10. Stuck on key words? Go to the company Web site and review Meta tags in the source code for inspiration. (View, Page Source)

Well there you go – a quick glimpse into the great information and categories covered in the book. Susan produces top-notch material. Several of her books are included in my own career resources library. I don’t know about you, but I can hardly wait to read the rest of it.

Copy the code below to your web site.


  1. Deb Dib says:

    Dawn, we’re honored to have your contributions…you’re a brilliant career strategist!


  2. hemen parekh says:

    There was a time when jobseekers pored over the ” Recruitment / Hiring ” sections of newspapers, searching for suitable jobs, for hours-on-end.

    Then, with the arrival of internet , came job-portals, which were amongst the earliest websites.

    Whereas considerable refinements have taken place in respect of resume-posting and resume-searching, job-searches have largely remained the same – with the jobseekers having to spend an enormous amount of time online.

    I have tried to simplify and speed-up job-searches thru Magic Cube Job-Search on

    No “ Rocket – Science “ this !

    Sooner than later, someone is bound to come-up with even better ” Geodesic Job – Search” which will have jobs listed on hundreds of faces against only 3 of Magic Cube !


    hemen parekh
    Mumbai – India


  3. Andre Priore says:

    this is a cool site, glad i stumbled upon it. i may actually learn something

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